
*** Review phase is finally completed ***

As a first step, scientific and industrial abstracts must be submitted online as plain text directly to our Conference Management System 'ConfTool'. 

  • Abstracts should consist of about 150 words and must be written in English.
  • In case of acceptance, you will receive the template for your scientific paper (should have a total length of 4 pages) or industrial paper (should have a total length between 2 and 4 pages) by February 16, 2024.

Scientific contributions:

Your scientific paper will be reviewed by the international review committee of renowned experts. In case of a positive review result, the paper will be published online as a special issue of Elsevier's open access journal 'Procedia CIRP' and presented live at LANE 2024. Papers published in Procedia CIRP will be available online on ScienceDirect. Procedia CIRP is indexed in the EI Compendex and Scopus databases.


Industrial contributions:

Your industrial paper will be reviewed by the international review committee on its relevance for application. In case of a positive review result, the paper will be published online and freely accessible without limitations on the LANE website and presented live at LANE 2024.


The submission procedure at a glance:

Flow chart submission procedure LANE 2018

Please note: The conference language is English. Papers will only be accepted if written in English and if in conformity with the template. Accepted scientific and industrial contributions have to be presented personally at LANE 2024 conference.

preliminary Timeline

Timline submission procedure LANE 2018

Please note: All dates are provisional and subject to change. Please note the announcements.